
Directives are extensions to host components that are bound to attributes. Think of it like smart handling for data, events, or actions.

Make a Directive#

To make a directive you use the @Directive decorator and the base class BaseDirective. The directive helps registering the class. The base class supports the editor and type safety.

A simple example shows how to make any element draggeable.

export class DragDirective extends BaseDirective {

  constructor(public host: HTMLElement) {
    super(host); = true;

  setup() {'dragstart', (e: DragEvent) => {
      e.dataTransfer.setData('text', 'from button');
    });'dragover', (e: DragEvent) => {


Directives are activated by any kind of selector querySelectorAllcan process. In the example we use the [directive="drag"] selector, which is an attribute with a value. To apply this directive, two steps are required.

  1. As always, you must register your directive first
  2. You apply the selector to any element (standard HTML, Web Components, or own stuff - it works everywhere)


The registration is part of the GlobalProvider's bootstrap process:

// example import
import { DropTargetDirective, DragDirective } from './directives/index';

  // other parts omitted for brevity
  directives: [DropTargetDirective, DragDirective],
  // other parts omitted for brevity


The directive applies ones a component renders. That means, the directive must be part of an ny@f web component. But the actual assignment can be placed on any HTML element. If you have just one global component and pure HTML in it, then the directive will still work.

To activate the directive just add the selector to an element:

<button type='button' directive='drag'>
Drag me around

The element becomes now a host element for the directive. One directive can be applied to many elements. They are isolated instances. For each occurrence of the selector a new instance of the directive class is created.

Working with Host Elements#

To get access to the host the directive shall modify a property host that is provided by the base class. It's available immediately after the super call of the constructor and injected as a constructor parameter. That's mandatory.

constructor(public host: HTMLElement) {
  // here you can safely access the host element

After the constructor call the infrastructure calls a method setup. It has no parameters and is not awaitable. It's a good point to add event listeners or add further modifications to the element as shown in the example above.

The host element is aware of a shadow DOM, so it might be the host's element object or a shadowed element. This depends on the usage of the @ShadowDOM directive. There is nothing special here, you can use it directly. The type cast is HTMLElement. That means in TypeScript the properties specific to shadow DOM are not available in the API. In JavaScript they are still present, though, that means you could enforce a cast like as unknown as ShadowRoot. Usually, that's a very rare situation anyway. The idea behind this behavior is that we want to make the shadow DOM as transparent as possible, without forcing the developer to think about it.