
Events are defined by a special instruction. They are attached to document object, regardless the usage.

Figure A-5: Define an event source


Events are easy to add directly using them like n-on-click. All JavaScript events are supported. Just replace 'click' in the example with any other JavaScript event.

<button n-on-click={() => this.clickMe()}>OK</button>

There is no bind necessary, events are bound to components anyway.

You can get the (original HTML 5 API) event using a parameter, like e in the example below:

<button n-on-click={(e) => this.clickMe(e)}>OK</button>

Because the method can be bound with or without the event object as a parameter, the method can have an optional parameter like this:

clickMe(e?: Event) {


The Event type conforms to HTML 5 DOM. Replace the type according the attached event (MouseEvent etc., see here for details).

Syntax Enhancements#

This section shows some variations of the event syntax that might better suit your needs.

Short Form#

If you don't need access to the parameters of the event (example: a click, which just happens), a short form is possible:

<button type="button" n-on-click={this.clickMe}>

Additional Parameters#

You can add constant values like this:

<button type="button" n-on-click={(e) => this.clickMe(e, 'PROP')}>

Warning! Regardless the type, the received value will be a string type at runtime.

<button type="button" n-on-click={(e) => this.clickMe(e, 100)}>

This works, but the function will receive "100".

<button type="button" n-on-click={(e) => this.clickMe(e, 1 + 2)}>

This works, too, but the function will receive "1 + 2". The expression is not being executed! So, this is somehow limited in the current version. You can add multiple parameters, though.

<button type="button" n-on-click={(e) => this.clickMe(e, 1, 2)}>

clickMe(e: Event, a: string, b: string) {
  const r = +a + +b;

Usually, it doesn't make sense to have calculation on constant values. So in reality this isn't a serious limitation.


You can combine any event with the attribute n-async to make the call to the event's handler function async. This attribute does not take any parameters. The handler method can be decorated with async.

<button n-on-click={this.clickMe} n-async>OK</button>
async clickMe(e?: Event) {
  // handle asynchronously

Custom Events#

Sometimes the JavaScript events are not flexible enough. So you can define your own ones. That's done by three simple steps:

  • Add a decorator @Events to declare the events (it's an array to declare multiple in one step). This is mandatory.
  • Create a CustomEventInit object and dispatch it (this is native Web Component behavior)
  • Use the n-on-<myCustomEventName> attribute to attach the event in the parent component.

Imagine a button component like this:

export class ButtonComponent extends BaseComponent {
  constructor() {

  clickMe() {
    const checkEvent: CustomEventInit = {
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: false,
    super.dispatch('showAlert', checkEvent);

  render() {
    return (
      <button type="button" n-on-click={this.clickMe}>

The custom event in this example is called showAlert. It's invoked by a click. The element's host component has code like this:

<app-button n-on-showAlert={(e) => this.someHandler(e)} />

The argument e contains an CustomEvent object. It can carry any number of custom data. The click-invoker is just an example, any action can call a custom event, even a web socket callback, a timer, or an HTTP request result. Both CustomEvent and CustomEventInit have a field detail that can carry any object or scalar and is the proposed way to transport custom data with the event. The event handler could look like this:

private someHandler(e: CustomEvent) {
  const data = e.detail;
  // Your code that handles the event

Custom events can be async, too. Just add n-async to the element that fires the event and add the async modifier to the handler.